How long after I place an order can I expect to receive my shipment?

  • We do our best to process orders the following business day. You should receive your order within 5-7 business days at the most.  If you haven't received your order, or received the wrong order, please call us at (319) 398-8475

Do I receive a tracking number when I order?

  • Unfortunately most of our orders do not come with tracking, but based on size and weight of the order it is possible that you will get tracking automatically emailed or text to you.  Our success rate is 99% so rest assured your order is on its way.

Can I pick up an order in person?

  • Under normal circumstances we allow people to pick up their order at The Gazette Building in downtown Cedar Rapids.  Due to COVID-19, all orders will be shipped for the time being.

What if I don't want to pay for shipping?

  • Our prices reflect orders without shipping charges.  We could allow free shipping, however that would raise the price of each product to allow for incurred shipping charges.

My product arrived damaged, or was set out in the rain.  What should I do?

  • We apologize if your order arrived damaged.  Sometimes mail gets damaged or is left out in bad weather.  All we ask is that you take a picture of the damage and email it to store@thegazette.com.  When we confirm the damage, we will re-send your order. 

How do I return a product?

  • If you no longer want your product, you can return it for 30 days after the purchase date as long as the product has not been altered or damaged in any way.  The product can be shipped to PO Box 1862, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406.  Buyer will pay for return shipping.   

You have Hawkeye products on your store, why don't you have Cyclone products?

  • We have been fortunate enough to have a partnership to sell Hawkeye posters and gear through licensing agreements with the University of Iowa.  At this time, we have been unsuccessful negotiating with Iowa State University for similar arrangements.
  • We are unable to sell individual photos of college athletes without their consent in policy with NCAA.

I want a photo that was in The Gazette.  How do I get the photo?

  • Our store offers a full page reprint which will include the entire page that the photo was on.  For specific photos taken by our photographers, please visit our Photo Store here.